Monday, October 07, 2002

Its Monday morning and I put up my brightest smile to face the blues, agreed I didn’t get up with the yippee feeling, but then, as Bryan Adam says " Its a new day...". As I walk into office, I see happy and bright faces. Some important customers are coming in, so there are extra special flowers and all that crap happening with the Admin dept. My cup of owes begins with my PC crashing, The systems guy, just like a tight lipped doctors, asks me, I am a Doctor and u the patient, tell me the truth, what happened to your PC? I very meekly tell him. Nothing, I shut down the terminal, in the proper way and started to go home on Friday, when I suddenly realized that I had to take a file, when I came back the damn thing would not start. He says, was the shut down properly or some illegal way. Now pray tell me what illegal ways are there to shut down the system. And with a head master kind of look he says, tell me just the truth. I loose my patience and say, what the hell, I am telling u the truth and only the truth. He tried to reboot the system a couple of times and then with a resigned look says it has to be re-formatted. Just the C drive he says, I take a sign of relief and say, thank god all my files are in the other partition.

A boy comes and takes the patient away and within no time my PC is restored back. When I log in, I am welcomed with a shock...I suddenly realized that I had enough stuff on the desktop which have all gone for a toss, my bookmark file was in the c drive and there I lost it again. With a dejected look I start making the necessary changes and updations. I had to get some applications resorted, asked for the CD which for all u know was not available, but after a while the boy comes, "Ma’am ur CD's" and am all smiles again. I happily start installing the same, when up pops a message saying, u are not authorized to install any software...grr goes me and I cannot find the damn system guys.

I just walk out for a stroll, rather end up at the pantry to gulp my anger with a glass of water and someone says, hey u look beautiful today, a tired smile and that makes a me a little happy for a while. Back to the terminal, call by boss. Here we discuss a few issues and my temper is flaring. I suddenly decide, chuck the entire thing and walk out of this damn place. Nothing has gone right from the start of the day...Murphy's law at its full implementation. Does he need some one to experiment with?

After a while I get into an argument with the systems head, what the hell u think u r upto. And then we are friends again. He tells me his wife loves Shahrukh Khan and there is this ting of jealousy in his eyes. Men and women he adds are tuff to understand...

A mail pops in which says, there is a birthday party today, first birthday party and I light up, my birthday is also coming very close.... Yippee I go. We all decide that we will go together and here I am waiting for my fellow mates to come and till then I fill up my blog. After all life is beautiful.

I am off to the party and I hope my Tuesday would be much better than this BLACK MONDAY....

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