Monday, August 04, 2003

So many times, far many times than you can count, I get these wonderful thots, the first reaction is that; it should go on the blog. But like the proverbial "Many a slips between the cup and the lip", by the time the thot reaches the blog, it would have gone through n-number of iterations of changes and most of the time succumbed under the censorship of the mind.

"What do I want to put in my blog?" is the next question that comes up by the defensive thoughts and the not-to divulge anything brain says, not something which is too personal, up jumps the thot and say, but this is a very generic thought?

Everyday, the brain and the thot go through this fight of what should be posted and what not. Sometimes, either of them wins (very obvious, u duffer), sometimes it’s a truce and most of the time it’s a "lets compromise" situation.

Come September and its going to be a year of association with the blogging world. A whole new vista which opened, doors to many many new friends and a peek into their wonderful life and times, guess the journey has just began and “Miles to go before I sleep”…????!!!!

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