Monday, December 08, 2003

"DREAMS visit us when we are asleep, but God is truly wise, He wakes us up each day and gives us every chance to make our DREAMS come true"

Am sure this statement would make u smile and brood upon the magic of dreams. Dreams just don't come true in a day or two, for a few it takes a life time, for some much less than that. Whats more important is to have faith in the magical world of dreams to come true.

All of us have dreams and ambitions in life. Things in life are divided (according to me) as "Must have", "Good to have" and "Nice to have". Ofcourse this list changes at our whim and fancy, becoz we are the creators of dreams and we are the ones who need to pursue it.

Dream is to have that pretty dress which you would have seen at the mall, dream is to own the car which someone always drove and u looked with awe. Dream is to bring the smile on ur face and onto others upon successful accomplishment of a task, dream is the content look after reaching the one goal in life.

I suddenly realized that my goals and dreams seem to be changing like the ever changing demands of a teenager. Something i have never had control of...the past...the present or the future...

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