Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I sometimes wonder what mood the Creator was in when he decided to make the various moods of people. the way we manipulate our moods to suit our whims and fancies is something which has been an astonishing fact for me. Forget other people, i sometimes amaze myself with my sudden turns of moods. At one minute i am sulking and the next i am as cheerful as u could think of, the vice-versa is more so prominent. The changing factors could be many, maybe a person, or someone's thoughts or some funny episode or something which was not to happen. I mean, its so very unpredictable.

Unpredictability of the human mind and action is a strange mystery, stranger than the smile of Mona Lisa. Not fretting or cribbing, this un-predictive nature, adds to the spice of life. Imagine a world where we knew whats gonna happen next, whats the fun. And human being, the most spoilt of the entire living beings, are never happy.

P.S: I am amazed at myself for coming up with this good for nothing post....tolerate please ;-)

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