This quote was written keeping me in mind :))
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks Madhu for this.
With my thinking cap on 24/7. On my way to grow wiser and richer in wisdom and experience.
very true
hehe... very true.
It's hard explaining to ppl why you're introducing yourself for the hundredth time. :))
- Heretic
lolll point hai...but u gotta be careful with tht one!
Ganesh >> Hey howdy?
Q >> Very very true ;)
Heretic >> arreh wah!!!
Candy >> ;)
Am in a bloggy mood today. Tripped on this and felt happy to be quoted on your blog. The outcome: I'm going to watch over this space everyday :D
I've shifted thewisdomtimes to blogspot at
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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