Thursday, February 17, 2005 what why?

On V-Day, we had a contest at office, which asked people to write a short essay on how they celebrate V-day, basically narrate their emotions. The writer in me was in no mood to sit quite, this is what i came up with, some crap is what i would call it..

Valentine’s Day and me, how do i celebrate?

Valentine’s Day is a day when all and sundry express their profound love to that one person, who is the closest to the heart. Love, affection, display of emotion run high on this day, profoundly displayed by gifting, flowers, candies, chocolates, teddies etc etc.

From my teenage days I have seen, heard and been through this whole cycle of people around me preparing for Valentine’s Day and living through the day, as though it is never going to occur again. Lets start from the basics….What according to me is Love?

Love is an emotion that is very enticing, luring and at the same time stranger than fiction. It’s that one strong emotion, which is available in abundance with a human being. God has gifted living beings with all kinds of emotions, love being the strongest and in the greatest of abundance. Love also brings with it, pain, through which we live every single day. It’s the perfect blend of Agony and Ecstasy. As they say “you have to go through darkness of the night to appreciate the sight of a beautiful sunrise”. Such is the relationship of love and pain.

I personally don’t feel that you need a day to profess your love, everyday through your thoughts, actions and deeds you show your loved ones, your family, friends all those who are close to you how much you care. You live for them; you make every attempt to keep that sadness miles away from their eyes and face.

For me, everyday is a valentine’s day, and I may not say it with flowers, candies, chocolates, and mushy cards. I have my way to do things in life, different,
discrete and absolutely unique. People who know me will not be surprised if I celebrate April 1st as Valentine’s Day. It’s all in the feeling, rather than
following the calendar blindly.

The big question unanswered yet, how do I celebrate? A million ways maybe, something, which will bring smile, happiness, and radiance to the person for whom, I take the trouble. Cook a good meal; because once the tummy is full, with absolutely yummy food, the mind is at rest. Any which way, the road to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Put on the best smile of mine, and make the entire world look dull ;) and thank God for the beautiful moments of life, that I have got to spend.

My entire day goes in appreciating life, the beauty around me and saying what a life I have led. God is surely Great, for having sent us in this beautiful world and you don’t need a valentine Day to tell the Lord how much you love him for having sent you to this world.

A group of students once asked their Professor, Which was his most romantic moment? A typical kiddish question you would say. The Prof replied, “when I was flying for the first time, all alone, and when the air craft got into the clouds, that’s when I felt most romantic, I felt closest to God.”

Still keeping in the tradition, here is something, which I read about Valentine’s Day and it makes lot of sense to chronic bachelors/spinsters:

Valentine's Day, the blood red roses
Valentine's Day, the sickening chocolate cherry hearts
Valentine's Day, the day the bar is lowered and
poems are written, not out of affection but obligation

flowers are bought for the sole purpose of keeping
your significance as a "significant other"
making sure you don't fall behind the others of others

no matter what you've done so far
because on this mid-February day all the scores are
back to zero
and you are again just one misstep from banishment.
Isn't that how everything has worked,
the last three, four, five years?
"Don't mess up Valentine's Day, or you might not get a
second chance"?

These are some words, which don’t work on people like me, for donkey’s years I have seen this day pass by me. Always praying for the loved ones, those who are close to my heart and living life with greater zeal with them around. Till the “significant” other makes a grand entry into my life.

For the rest of my life…I shall remain 18 till I die


AAA said...

That was really good Ayesh :)

bablu said...

Oh ! That was a really cool post.
I like the way U think.
And yes 18 till I die.

Unknown said...

cant agree with u more, on one of these 'v days' my comment was something like this, lets celebrate 'vatsyayana's day' too.
ppol got literally pissed off at the mockery he he :).

Arun said...

Very profound..


phatichar said... here as well, on blogger..kidhar ho? mumbai se aaye ke nahi

bablu said...


Anonymous said...

nice information

Anonymous said...

where i get more info?

Anonymous said...

nice information

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »