Friday, May 27, 2005

Gyan round

This is a very beautiful piece...a. must read

Keep The Faith - Transform The FearBy Lorraine Cohen

To what extent does fear rule your life? In my coaching practice, fear
often emerges when clients envision change and take steps to bring
those changes into reality. Familiarity fosters comfort and safety;
therefore, growth may be perceived as frightening. Recognizing some of the
subtleties of fear takes a bit of detective work.

Forms of fear include: procrastination, the need to be in control,
anger (which can be a cover for other emotions such as helplessness or
powerlessness), isolation, induced illness, rationalizing, and blaming.
Getting under the reaction unveils the fear.

One of my coaching clients was feeling stuck and overwhelmed. He
continually came to a point in his growth and went no farther. He felt a
duality inside. One part of him yearned to take a leap, another part
convinced him to stop—his life was pretty good, right? At the root of his
inertia was fear. He could stay in his fear, or take his life to the next
level. He made the choice to work through his fear. His first point of
resistance to change was his fear of commitment and structure. For him,
this meant being trapped. A pivotal shift occurred when he redefined
his perception of commitment and structure.

In our talks, he discovered he had already successfully committed to
his lifestyle (structure) of avoidance. This clarity created a shift.
Something he had wanted to do for years was to offer monthly talks to his
clients. Committing to schedule the talks within a specific time frame
was his first step. One month later, he presented his talk to a highly
receptive audience. By giving himself choice, focusing on the present,
and taking a risk in fear, he began to dismantle his fears.

I have found these to be successful practices to help transform fear:

Practice daily gratitude - Recognizing your daily blessings, both big
and small, evokes peace and trust. Expressing gratitude generates joyful
thoughts and feelings. Put your attention on the glass half full rather
than the glass half empty. I recommend writing in a daily gratitude
journal. Taking time to list gifts and blessings uplifts the spirit.
Challenge yourself to transform negativity by finding gratitude in the most
difficult situations. And, throughout the day, purposefully acknowledge
what you are grateful for, silently or to others. Share the joy.

Be in faith - Put your trust in your spiritual beliefs, Your own
personal history is a reflection of the love and gifts you recognize as
coming from the Divine. At times of doubt and fear, trust your faith and
inner wisdom for clarity and perspective. Gratitude, meditation, prayers,
asking the Universe for love, support, and guidance—whatever connects
you with Spirit is a source of comfort and strength. In trust, there is
no fear.

Be in the present - In his ground-breaking book, The Power of Now,
Eckhart Tolle advocates being in the moment, in the now. He stresses the
power the mind has in creating perceived reality. Our minds have the
ability to imagine the worst (intensifying fear) instead of expecting the
best. He says, "the more identified you are with your thinking, your
likes and dislikes, judgments, and interpretations, the stronger the
emotional energy charge will be, whether you are aware of it or not." He
believes, "unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry—all forms of fear are
caused by too much future and not enough presence." Disengaging from
thoughts and reactions (stimulated by thought) by becoming the observer,
will de-energize mind activity. Being in the present connects us to the

Practice extreme self-care - I use extreme because taking the best care
of YOU is serious! When needs are not being met, negative thoughts and
reactions intensify. Does your life flow when you are neglecting
yourself? Being positively selfish and putting yourself first gives you the
vitality and desire to be fully there for those you love—by choice, not
obligation. Here are some tips: begin a regime of daily nurturing
habits, say "no" when needed, create personal time for you to do the things
you love, set boundaries, and speak up! Embracing self-love teaches
others how to love and respect you and attract people who will value
appreciate who you are.

Be in integrity - Are you living a value-based life and "walking your
talk?" When you live your life by being true to "who you are," fear is
replaced by peace and serenity. When you are in integrity, fewer
problems are experienced, consistent feelings of peace and well-being prevail,
and reactions to people and situations diminish. What are you
accepting, avoiding, rationalizing or tolerating that is compromising your

Build a strong, positive, nurturing community - Be discerning. Seek out
quality people who will love you unconditionally. The value of having
the support of a loving community is priceless, especially during times
of personal pain and challenge.

Be a risk-taker, MOVE! - Taking appropriate, empowered action "in fear"
dismantles the illusion of paralysis and the power of fear. Where have
you hesitated or avoided taking action? What excuses have you told
yourself for remaining stationary? What holds you back? When needed, get
help from your community or a skilled professional. Hire a coach. Draw on
your personal strengths, gifts, talents and skills for courage and
focus. Your life is a reflection of personal successes in the face of fear.
Gain perspective, clarity and MOVE! Take action, one step at a time.

Several years ago, one of my clients shared this inspirational poem.

"When we come to the edge of all the light we have

And must take a step into the darkness of the Unknown

We must believe one of two things:

Either we will find something firm to stand on

Or, we will be taught to fly"

~ Rich Bach, Jonathon Livingston Seagull


bablu said...

Gyan - rightly defines this post. Quite interesting points you got there. All i can say is-
"Jo dar gaya woh mar gaya".
"Fight fear with fear"
Cheers !!!

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