Monday, December 30, 2002

As another New Year begins...

I seek from the Almighty
Peace, Serenity, Happiness, Love for my family, friends, near and dear ones. May All their wishes come true!

I seek to be a
Better human being, and not fall on my duty towards my people.

I seek thy blessings My Lord,
Help me be a person of substance and be of utilitarian value to everyone as and when they need me.

I seek not
To loose the child in me and live not for tomorrow but for today.

I thank thee for
Giving me the wonderful family, friends and making me what I am today.
Give me to strength to live up to their expectations.

Everyday year on this day, I remind myself and thank God and Parents, especially on this day, for bring me to this world and letting me know what a beautiful place it is to live in. Thanks a ton everyone :)

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