Friday, June 13, 2003

Itssssssssss Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Do u say late realization? Well have had no time to read any blogs or any such TP work.... 13th the Friday has played havoc with me. Ask me how.

I placed a booking for Chalte Chalte on Monday, till last evening I was assured of the tickets and suddenly this afternoon I am told "Sorry sold out"...grrr...its not everyday that I decide to go for a first day first show types. Not that I am a HUGE Sharukh or Rani fan, just wanted to chill out. But the program went into a cold chill.

A friend’s birthday decided first for a dinner party, and then that came to a round of ice cream and ultimately, nothing at all. Work has taken precedence over friends. Another program falls flat on the face.

During the day a couple of scheduled meetings were called off, extra work laded on the already heavy shoulders, and all this being dealt with a smile. Guess that is what it counts at the end of the day!

Have a good weekend fellas...:)

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